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I had Dropbox installed on all my devices, but wasn't really actively using it, that was until it kept asking me to upgrade to a paid account, that's when I moved all my files to iCloud and deleted my Dropbox account.

Since I only use Apple products, I don't really have to worry about cross OS compatibility.

You may still want to worry about platform lock-in, if only for the option value of being able to leave when Apple inevitably makes a decision you disagree with.

Files, other than backups and app data that's only useful for the actual devices, are pretty service-agnostic. All you need to do is to copy over everything to another service and you're up and running.

It's in the back of my head, when I feel the need to switch, I can easily copy all my files over. So not really worried about being locked-in with Apple.

No matter what decision Apple makes, it'll likely never be so bad I switch to Windows, Linux, or Android. Married to the ecosystem for better or worse.

I sometimes worry about becoming unemployed and then having my main machine die on me. I wouldn't be able to pay top dollar for an Apple machine.

Using commodity hardware gives me peace of mind regarding this scenario, unlikely as it sounds.

Yep I’m married to the ecosystem as well, but if my main MacBook from early 2015 breaks in the next few months while not being employed, I’m not sure what I’d do. I mean I know I’d probably use my family’s older 2011 MacBook until I get a new MacBook later on. But if that MacBook isn’t available, I might have to switch.

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