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The article's recommendations don't achieve HATEOAS, because even though the foreign-key IDs are replaced with URLs, they're not actually links because they don't specify an explicit relationship.

Instead, the relationship between the response document and the URL's target is implicit, probably guessed from the naming of the key or maybe noted in the response document's definition.

The point of HATEOAS is that a client who understands the meaning of certain link relations (aka "rels"), such as ones in the IANA registry [1], can interact with these referred-to resources using the Standard Interface (of GET, POST, PUT, etc).

Only in the section where the article talks about ways to express links in JSON do link relations appear.

[1] https://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relatio...

In the style of JSON I like to use, and whih GitHub and Google Drive use, the relationship name is given by the JSON name. So if you see 'owner: /person/12345', then 'owner' is the relationship name. There are other JSON styles for expressing the relationship name — the blog post mentions some of them. You might quibble about whether these names are the names of the relationship, or just names of one end of the relationship.

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