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Catheter navigates autonomously inside hearts in preclinical tests (hms.harvard.edu)
30 points by dusenberrymw on May 11, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

OPs HN title:

> Autonomous Driving Inside the Heart

HN title is different from the article and frankly terrifying given the state of autonomous driving

Agreed. The subtitle "Catheter navigates autonomously inside hearts in preclinical tests" would be far more accurate and less click baity.

Yes, the submitted title ("Autonomous Driving Inside the Heart") broke the site guidlines, which ask "Please use the original title, unless it is misleading or linkbait; don't editorialize." In this case, the subtitle is best, so we'll use that above. It looks like a good submission otherwise!

My friend's catheter has full self-driving hardware but hasn't downloaded the auto-pilot software update yet.

Yeh. But trust me, it'll be ready to be on market in 3 months.

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