The benchmark game puts c, rust, and c++, in that order, roughly on par in performance, with go being about 2-3x slower. No idea if that's accurate. Sampling bias means people who like performance are optimizing the languages used for performance, and people who just like to get something working quit after the first benchmark in go or python is finished.
If you discard regexredux, then Rust is faster than C and C++ at average: see average bar at "How many times slower graph" [1].
regexredux program is outlier in Rust, because replacement of a regex in string is slower in regex crate, because author of regex crate chose to implement safer, but slower algorithm. To fix this, regex crate must be updated or replaced. I spent two weekends on this.
Concurrency in Rust is extremely easy, because it safe by design. Just import rayon crate and change iter() to par_iter() [1]. Compiler will point out to problems, e.g. it will not allow to send a type, which cannot be used concurrently, until it will be wrapped by Arc (atomic reference counter).