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I'm regular reader and I'm not sure that I would agree with you. My problem with the guardian is that it doesn't currently know what it wants be.

The other annoyance - the frivolous clickbait articles.

They have articles on privacy yet have lots of trackers themselves. They're really no better than what they preach, at least the last time I checked.

Still, having said that, I prefer to read a variety of news sources instead of one to hopefully get a more balanced view.

> They have articles on privacy yet have lots of trackers themselves. They're really no better than what they preach, at least the last time I checked.

Isn't that a side-effect of having business and editorial separated? The individual journalists don't have any power to change the templates their CMS uses.

It would be useful if they made it clear to their own readership that they do it, too. Instead it just plays up to a certain readership.

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