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john wheeler is one of my favorite physicists. one thing i have wondered is: where and who are the john wheeler's of today? that is, who are the people who are well suited to advising and mentoring students and generating a lot of active, comprehensive research in a field. i feel john wheeler is completely underrated and underappreciated in his ability to advise and mentor and lead research programs. just look at his wikipedia page that lists all the post-docs, phd students, master's students, and undergraduates. it's insane! he seemed to have been a real treasure. just look at how many of his students went on to become famous or notable in their own right.

> where and who are the john wheeler's of today

Kip Thorne, who was a Wheeler student.

i asked:

> of today

i am aware of kip thorne and his relationship to john wheeler, and while certainly awesome, he is retired and hasn't advised a ph.d. student in over a decade.

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