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Already signed up, looking forward to trying it. I found this line on your blog:

https://support.photostructure.com/how-much-disk-space-do-i-... > As an example, if you have 250,000 images and videos, your library metadata and previews will consume about a half a terabyte.

I assume this is mostly from the preview image size and not meta data? This is where I was hoping for a configurable image size because I would be willing to have smaller previews to be able to store more metadata.

If the goal is to archive my entire life's photos or even use it for business use then at some point it looks like I would need a dedicated drive / computer just to view the photos on the other drives. If it is configurable then I could push this limitation further.

There are some knobs you can dial in PhotoStructure to reduce disk space consumption, at the cost of browsing speed.

I just added instructions for you to that post: https://support.photostructure.com/how-much-disk-space-do-i-...

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