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Interesting post that show some current limitations of Rust, especially when not being able to control the design entirely.

Rust's ownership system makes it harder to deal with the kind of dynamics wlroots exposes... It seems to me that the issue here is that there is no consensus (e.g library) on how Rust should deal with those issues, so if you want to just to provide bindings to a dynamic system you end up writing middle-ware that deals with that kind of dynamics in a Rust idiomatic fashion (taking advantage of ownership) instead of focusing on the task at hand. It somehow destroys Rust's promise of productivity.

A Rust project of mine[1], in an early stage and currently paused, deals with those issues (probably in a way similar to the Handles described in the post) by providing Service smart pointers (i.e, Svc<T>) and a component-framework that helps deal with the dynamics of a service being unregistered (e.g, a monitor unplugged, or a dynamic library unloaded) ; that component framework helps you be sure that if your struct contains a Svc<Foo>, that service is still available when you're called, or the component reaches an invalid state.

In general, it seems to be an area where Rust's ecosystem is still very early and would benefit from more input (such as this post) and consensus.

Regarding the callback-hell issue, that "dehandle" macro looks very much like async/await, and it looks like it could be implemented either in terms of async/await (still unstable) or generators (even more unstable).

Hopefully similar projects will be more likely to succeed as Rust and its ecosystem mature.

[1] https://github.com/magnet/socrates-rs

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