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I find commits very relevant when grokking unfamiliar codebases. The history and changes (plus, how they're documented) are half the battle for me in that context.

The article mentions the use of line-length and commit-templates. Personally, I have my .vimrc [0] configured to handle columns for commits (50 for the title & 72 for the body). Then, in my .gitconfig [1] I set a template [2] to be used for all commits. It's a relatively minimal addition, but it's improved my CLI experience with Git immensely.

[0]: https://github.com/Pinjasaur/dotfiles/blob/89ca76eaaef24165e...

[1]: https://github.com/Pinjasaur/dotfiles/blob/89ca76eaaef24165e...

[2]: https://github.com/Pinjasaur/dotfiles/blob/89ca76eaaef24165e...

Edit: fix link formatting

Yes! Someone unfamiliar[1] with the code-base should be able to make basic sense of what was done and why.

[1] Like my boss tomorrow. Or me in 6 months.

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