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> This may be true, but I don't want MS having ANY say on what goes into a Linux or FreeBSD OS. None. They have an agenda that doesn't fit in well with FOSS.

False. MS is now one of the leading FOSS contributors. You're living in the past.

My living in the past is YOUR opinion. There are many millions of FOSS users who are highly opposed to MS having any influence whatsoever on FOSS. They have an agenda and it's never in the best interest of the FOSS crowd. Do you think they are doing what they do out of benevolence? It's done for MS software compatibility with FOSS, so users will choose Azure and their other cloud offerings. It's done purely to keep them in the game and relevant. No other reason. I heavily distrust MS, as over the years they have given many reasons not to trust them. Ever wonder why so many people abandoned GitHub after MS bought them?

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