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The Weird World of Vegan YouTube Stars Is Imploding (thedailybeast.com)
3 points by paulpauper on April 1, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

This has been going on for about a year, when someone started posting Ex-Vegan Dokumentations, where people talk about why they aren't vegan anymore. Then there is Frank Tufano who's been beating on vegans for a while. It has bred some kind of conspiracy theory where they blame big corp and govt for promoting the vegan lifestyle with the aim to make people stupid and emotinally fragile. Then, to add to it, big corp seems to be annoyed by more people turning to keto and have been promoting sugar water and fruit smoothies in Germany. (I've seen 2-3 adds where it explicitly says: "ignore keto, eat balanced, dring our sugar water vitamins" or something in that jargon.

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