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A digital archive of all public utterances of Mark Zuckerberg spanning 2004-2019 (zuckerbergfiles.org)
64 points by yogthos on March 30, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

I was waiting for this to happen the moment the article was dropped about him 'accidentally deleting' and 'no way to recover without too much off an issue' his posts. I don't get his motives for deleting his old posts but surely in this day and age he had no doubt someone was archiving what he said?

Motivation is simple to discern. Look how many presidential hopefuls get buried by "thirty years ago he said X" or "fifty years ago there is a photo of him shaking hands with Y"

Erasing history helps avoid that

Except that he should know you really can't do that.

Now he only needs a deal with Google to forget some search results. He will certainly get that.

Poor Facebook had no backup of their CEO profile, now they can download this archive and restore it :)

In light of Facebook removing Zuckerberg's old Facebook posts: https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-old-posts-mark-zuck...

The internet still remembers.

Anything you let go outside your device is out there for ever.

It is no less true than it was in late 1990-s. And not a least bit less obvious.

Accept it already.

What are some things that Zuckerberg has said publicly that he would’ve wanted deleted? Can someone provide highlights?

One particularly dystopian quote was "Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity"


He didn't say that publicly.

In addition, GP, you were prob downvoted because it’s posted on every post about Zuck and it gets annoying

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