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It's weird how programmers are the only workers who think it's okay to give away their work for free for businesses to use and sell in their own products. Nobody expects firefighters or nurses to work for free. Even if lawyers sometimes have to work pro bono, it's to serve marginalized or poor communities/demographics, not to enrich massive, incredibly wealthy companies.

Millions of people every year make great salaries working as programmers.

Many artists give away their work. Scientists give away their work. The DIY community and maker community give away their work. And so on... programmers aren't unique here.

Framing all of OSS as simply "free labor to enrich massive, incredible wealth companies" is just wrong.

That being said, I do agree we can certainly do a better job of supporting OSS work. I hope to see continued innovation in this area.

> Many artists give away their work. Scientists give away their work.

Funny you should mention this. Look into the median salaries of these professions, not the outliers.

I am not against OSS but when something is given away for free, people will have the perception that it has less value. Once that thought has anchored, no one will be willing to pay more in the future.


Worse, many think is ok to be payed for their work, while stating it is imoral to pay others for the tools they use.

Huh? There are plenty of volunteer firefighters who work for free.

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