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All of these responses are missing a huge point here:

If you're a solo developer, stick to _standards_. There are standards for how something should be implemented (like REST), there are standards to how things should be written (like PEP8 for Python), etc.

Follow those standards as close as you possibly can. Ultimately, you'll find issues with them -- that's great! Perhaps you'll even find a more clear way of doing something that the standard doesn't suggest. This means you can probably iterate on your original design.

Join a Slack/Discord/IRC with other developers using your toolchain and ask questions there if you have concerns. If you're worried about design decisions, find others who have been in similar boats and ask how they did things and what the result was like.

Typically, best practices are those that emphasize 1) clear code, 2) readable code, and 3) the KISS principle. Anything that favors complexity over simplicity _must_ have a good reason for doing so.

I massively disagree with this, as the other part said a lot of standards don't make any sense. REST always seemed very suspect to me, and Facebook with some of the best developers in the works basically threw it straight out of the window with graphql, seeming to validate the scepticism. Html also has complicated standards about elements which everyone ignores with divs everywhere. There seem to be a lot of nonsense standards around.

The reason you massively disagree with it is the reason why OP should try and do it. Nothing better than learning from the mistakes of others.

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