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Recycling has nothing to do with plastic pollution. Plastics that don't get recycled instead get buried in a hole in the ground.

It’s not clear to me what the point of this comment is.

Do you mean to imply that when walking the southern coast of Tasmania I don’t see the area densely littered with plastics?

Or perhaps you meant to imply that the oceans aren’t littered with plastic such that cetaceans are dying from eating too much of it?

These don’t sound like arguments anyone would intentionally make.

Are you certain recycling has nothing to do with plastic pollution? And are you certain that recycled or buried, as a binary choice, are the only two possible outcomes for plastics?

Recycled plastic is the kind thrown in bins. If you remove recycling programs, it still gets thrown in a bin. Not polluted.

Ah, right, I see where you were going with that.

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