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Dear Java library guy (tmorris.net)
15 points by fogus on Nov 24, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Dumb code can be written in any language.

True, though some languages are more inviting.

I don't get it. What does this have to do with Java?

Also: unit tests can only take you so far. If the code is brittle, it will find a way to break.

I like the check for /etc/passwd. For a second the thought that it might just be the most ghetto platform check heuristic ever blipped into my mind, and then I remembered that integer arithmetic is totally portable anyway so it doesn't matter -- and it's Java, so it doesn't matter. I hope OP actually saw this code in the wild somewhere; that'd be kind of amazing.

DRY humor?

Don't know. Maybe some humor, but definitely not dry.

DRY bumor?

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