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I don't do well on on the spot programming interviews. studying doesn't help. I can identify what needs to be done almost always, but implementing it in front of someone in only 40 mins? I need to practice that I guess. In the end as you said, I am constantly wondering what being able to regurgitate a memorized problem tells them about me (nothing) and why they don't care about my past experience, projects, successes and ratings. However, this is what every software interview is now

> I need to practice that I guess.

You are right about that, at least according to that article here:https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18942572

That guy trained on a well known website to solving minor coding issues and then (that's the important part) practised solving them in mock interviews to real persons.

Maybe that could help you.

Neither does this famous guy [1]. All these interviews do is waste a lot of time and generate a lot of false negatives.

You can practice all you want to get better, but no one in the corporate world is saying "I need you to code bubble sort, and I need in the next 45 minutes" and then proceeds to stand over your shoulder the entire time.

[1] https://twitter.com/dhh/status/834146806594433025

For big companies that have a ton of applicants, the false-negative rate probably doesn't matter all that much. They need a quick way to narrow the field.

As for wasting a lot of time, what more reliable method is there that takes less time than a leetcode-style problem? Surely there are more reliable methods, they probably don't take 30 minutes or less though.

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