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>> The irony is that the level of hypocrisy on that side is at the same levels as the religious person who commits all sorts of horrible acts while fervently preaching against people who are engaged those horrible acts.

Really? Asking to consider think in non-binary terms is the same as religious terrorism?

That's a highly uneducated analogy.

But this told me what I'm up against:

>> At some point I really hope that data, science, facts and reason

Did you ever think that maybe you just don't understand facts and reason when they conflict with your beliefs? That's usually the case when a someone (almost always a boy/man) please for reasoned debate. It means they are losing and are calling the refs.

The intent with my statement was more around religious leaders who would give fire and brimstone sermons about sexual immorality while they were having affairs, molesting kids etc... With that being said it has reached a level of violence, IE: Evergreen, Berkeley etc. and many are concerned that it will escalate.

On college campuses today (and many parts of society) there is no longer room for a debate to lose etc.. You either buy into the ideology being sold or face significant backlash...IE: being black listed, having someone go after your job, physically attacked, being labelled as a (pick your favorite ad hominem), banned from campus, banned from events etc.. All for daring to express a view that goes against the orthodoxy.

Many people are open to new ideas being presented to them even if they go against their current world view....and well reasoned people will consider them. But, when people try to force those ideas on you with severe threats if you don't believe, those well reasoned people will also, rightfully, be skeptical.

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