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I never got the hang of Devonthink and couldn’t get into the habit of using it for all (or even most) files. How did you get started with it and what resources, if any, did you use? Do you always only index files (while they remain in whatever folders you have left them) or do you also import (copy into it) too?

I went through their whole tutorial video section on the site, and a complementary section on how other people use Devon (author, lawyer, some other types). It took me a couple of nights of watching videos before bed to get my head around it.

Then I created some folders for large groups, like "Documents" at home or "Projects" for work, and broke it down from there. I don't have more than maybe 4 levels under anything, except where there are year/month breakdowns.

AFAIK Devon doesn't work outside of its own folder/database. It doesn't index everything in my ~ for example. I create stuff in Devon or drag stuff into it from outside, holding down CMD so that it moves instead of copies.

Within Devon I'll sometimes need something in two places (all receipts and tax-deductible receipts, for example), so I'll use Devon's "replicate" function to make a pointer to the same doc. For work stuff, I have templates (release_plan.md) that I'll "duplicate" to a new project. As long as they're the same, Devon has an icon that says so, but as soon as I edit one, they diverge into independent docs.

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