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A Google recruiter cold-called me -- well, cold-LinkedIn me -- based on my Stack Overflow responses. I did a phone interview even though I wasn't really interested in leaving my current job.

That, plus my location requirements, plus a so-so interview, plus the fact that I wasn't particularly qualified for the job, surely led to the following "Thanks, but no thanks" followup call.

oh. this is interesting. Is there a place on Stack or Linkedin where I can tie my profiles together? I did a quick scan and couldn't see anything (or should I put it in my stack-bio?).

I don't know of any way to link them. I post using my real name on StackOverflow, for precisely the reason of "brand management" or what-have-you. Presumably my name and current employer were unique enough for the recruiter to put two and two together on his own.

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