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To be fair, this culture is by no means unique to UX. I've seen unqualified people make messes in many different tech disciplines: coding, operations, project management...

Yes, but I think that UX is a particularly toxic vector for unqualified people. UX people are often good at dazzling upper management. What they do is vague enough that it can be hard to nail down a failure condition. Everyone wants the newest and best.

I've seen CEOs give the reigns of their app to some UX person, because they want to impress the hip young UX expert, and they know just enough tech to appear to a wizard.

Man, it sounds like you've had bad experiences with UX people. I guess that's what happens when UX is the new craze, and everybody and their mom wants to jump into it.

Having thought about it, I think it's more of a Brooklyn startup thing.

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