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It's already there in POSIX C. (Winsocks is almost compatible.) The C++ basic version actually would be good to have. Potentially a basic threaded version too.

Unlike graphics which is a moving target, even 2D. Where do you stop? Bezier paths with subdivision and full blended gradient support for those? Nonlinear projections? Fonts? Text composition?

If you bite off too much, you end up with the OpenGL problem where nobody implemented everything.

The example of a pretty bad implementation of 2D would be a) Cairo b) whatever Android and Chrome uses for drawing.

POSIX C doesn't do HTTP/S, asynchronous networking, and isn't available in all platforms supported by C++ compilers.

Should it handle SSL, TLS, http routing, HTML templates,....

Where do you stop CSS, JS bundlers?

>The example of a pretty bad implementation of 2D would be a) Cairo b) whatever Android and Chrome uses for drawing.

And why, pray tell, are those "pretty bad"?

Cairo and Skia are immediate mode 2D graphics APIs on the JavaFX model. These APIs were designed when CPU rendering without SIMD was the norm and result in messy upload and state change problems when ported to GPUs. Google's heroic work on Ganesh with a relatively enormous team has shown that this API can be made decently fast on GPUs with a ton of work, but I don't see why we should repeat known mistakes for a brand new API that we expect to have many implementations of.

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