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I am a bit skeptical of this account. Every time I have contacted DigitalOcean support they respond quickly usually within hours.

If this service was successful and profitable, I can't imagine waiting 5 weeks. I'd be in full nerd rage after 1/2 day of being down, and would be spinning up new servers on another provider.

Curious to see the full post though before jumping to more conclusions.

Agreed, I have contacted them before over the 2 years and always they responded quickly. They responded w/in 24hrs and said that someone from "security and trust" team would review and get back to me, and that response took 5 weeks. So I guess at the point they already destroyed your instances they assume they lost you as a customer and don't really care anymore to get back to you in a timely manner.

I did go into full nerd rage because I can't believe they would do this to a startup, I had the critical stuff running in <1hr on Linode, but took a day for everything to be rebuilt since I had to redo everything w/out access to backups or images.

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