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I have been doing this for years, my favorite tool is Monodraw [1].

It’s unfortunate they decided to discontinue its development [2].

[1] https://monodraw.helftone.com/

[2] https://blog.helftone.com/monodraw-maintenance-mode/

Darn, I missed that Monodraw was maintenance-only. I use it at least once a week if not more frequently.

That looks amazing. Does anyone have an equivalent for Windows or Ubuntu/Mint?

I use DrawIt plugin in Vim... As much as that looks beautiful, why would you open a GUI window to draw plain text? No need(although of course it doesn't look as slick).

A little one I done with it: https://github.com/salgadobreno/dme/blob/master/README.md

Abusing unicode chars, I've done some pretty interesting mock-ups...

According to AlternativeTo [1] there are two software for Windows with similar features [2][3].

[1] https://alternativeto.net/software/monodraw/?platform=window...

[2] http://www.torchsoft.com/en/aas_information.html

[3] http://www.jave.de/

It's still worth buying! It's got a dizzying amount of functionality, and the app is beautiful. Highly recommended.

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