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You know the craziest thing about all of the mars exploration programs is to me?

The first time there is an entire full-up test of the system is live, AT MARS. There isn't a good way to test the entire entry descent and landing sequence because the earth's atmosphere is so different than mars. I know NASA works hard to test parts of it in the vicinity of earth, but I can't imagine designing something so complicated (especially the system for curiosity) and then not being able to test it completely before the real thing.

I've actually read, that the upper part of the atmosphere, where a returning Falcon 9 booster does retro burns to slow down, is similar to Mars (in terms of pressure I guess).

edit: found a paper on the topic https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/201700...

also: https://arstechnica.com/science/2016/04/spacex-has-already-d...

I had heard about them doing some study of using an inflatable heat shield and testing in earth's upper. I guess it could be used for Earth or Mars. Neat!

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojgDZZIsWA4

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