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To be more specific, lots of idiomatic Go patterns typically involve using channels. Working at this level means you can't do that per 'client' since that would imply at least one goroutine per client.

There's plenty of libraries that involve channels (and assume you have goroutines per connection/client), do those play well with the use of epoll in this manner? I would assume I can't use the stdlib time package to do a timeout for example, since that provides a channel to wait on, while in this setup I need objects that work with epoll. Obviously in that case I could use evio which abstracts over epoll/kqueue and provides a Tick...

So my comment was more that "dropping to this level" means dropping the use of the majority of standard Go concurrency idioms which revolve around goroutines and channels. It's not about the raw lines of code involved. Writing code in this style of async doesn't feel very Go-like and when you look at an example of some code using this style its exactly the thing Go was trying to avoid with goroutines (https://github.com/tidwall/evio/blob/master/examples/http-se...).

You end up with async event-based code, not the clean synchronous-appearing Go code that goroutines and channels provide.

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