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> It [says] all data is to be written, not merely all data written since the last call to fsync.

No it doesn't.

The spec† says: If the fsync() function fails, outstanding I/O operations are not guaranteed to have been completed. That clearly permits the Linux behaviour; There is no "data" that hasn't been sent to the "transferred to the storage device" at this point. You can see it from the perspective of the Linux kernel:

    write() = success
    fsync() = error: outstanding I/O not guaranteed††.
    fsync() = success: no outstanding I/O

†: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/fs...

††: It would've been a different story if the spec said, If "the fsync() function fails, all future fsync() to the same file descriptor must fail." but it doesn't say this.

No, the spec is longer than that one sentence. That sentence of the spec is merely saying that if fsync fails then the I/O operations haven't necessarily been completed. That's completely true and obvious and yes, it's also consistent with Linux. That's not the problem. The problem is the other sentence I already quoted which is that "all data for the open file descriptor is to be transferred to the storage device". This includes any data that hasn't been written, which includes data that has failed to write on a previous call to fsync. Like I already said once, you can't claim data that was sent to the device not failed to write to persistent storage is considered "transferred" since by that logic fsync would never guarantee any data was actually written to persistent storage (read the entire spec). I already explained all this but I'm repeating myself since it seems like every time you respond you're only choosing to read half of the spec and half of what I'm writing, but I'm tired of continuing.

But the "spec" uses that line, so you can't very well ignore it either. Most unixes also have this behaviour, so this isn't some nonconformant outlier, this is the standard behaviour. It might not be ideal, but most of the UNIX IO model and heritage isn't.

Apologies for assuming you didn't understand the behaviour when you said it "doesn't make sense": I'd assumed you meant that you were having trouble understanding the behaviour, rather than "all the application developers and unix implementors" that expect this behaviour, not understanding "the spec".

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