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I thought the solution is simple: just put China in brackets after Taiwan (China) and you should be fine? And don’t list them as “country”, use region instead!

I think that's about right. It's just one of many cases in which you have to be careful with terminology in diplomatic relations. Other countries/regions that need to be named carefully include: Holy See, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Côte d'Ivoire, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (some of these examples are out of date). In some cases people in the country/region have a strong opinion; in other cases it's people in a different country/region that have a strong opinion. Unless you have a good reason for having your own opinion it's usually best to just go along with these things and save your time and energy for something more important.

FYROM it's already Northern Macedonia officially and approved by Greece, you should update your map/vocabulary

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