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> As a couple with troubles conceiving... it was not welcomed. It was salt on a wound.

As a trans woman who repeatedly gets ads for period stuff, I feel much the same way.

At first, I thought it was cute. "Aww look, I even pass to the ad algorithm", and it eventually turned into "oh fuck, another reminder that my body is never going to work the way it was supposed to".

And it got stronger and stronger as time went on. It started with the occasional ad for pads in Gmail's promotions tab... then I started seeing ads for period products on Facebook... and then I repeatedly got ads inviting me to take part in clinical studies for painful periods and ads for all different kind of menstrual products, to the point where just loading Facebook would set off my dysphoria.


"If you don't want period-related ads, then you must not want to be treated like a woman?" That feels like a bit of a leap.

But the reason they were segmented for period related ads was because they were being treated without discrimination as if they were (to the advertiser) "just a woman".

The parent appears to want to be recognised as "not a woman" (in this respect, at least), which goes against everything I've read from others before.

So, I was curious and wanted to know if the commenter thought this was common, or if they recognised it as peculiar to themselves.

Guess I'll never know because somehow probing peoples overt statements is unwanted here?

> But the reason they were segmented for period related ads was because they were being treated without discrimination as if they were (to the advertiser) "just a woman".

I'm pretty sure the complaint is treating woman as equivalent to people with periods, not treating the complaining person as a woman.

She wasn’t treated like she were female, she was treated like if she had periods. Which, obviously, not all women have. It’s trans-erasure to assume that they all do.

Both you and OP are conflating "woman" and "female" (i.e. gender and biological sex).

Not all people of female biological sex have periods, either.

Not wanting to be treated as a person with a period isn't the same as not wanting to be treated as a woman or a female.

> Not all people of female biological sex have periods, either.

Sometimes for emotionally charged reasons.

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