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This is all fine and good when someone's writing words about it on the internet, but anyone in this discussion who has built / is building a product knows that you're constantly triaging. And when you are triaging, the last thing you are going to prioritize is spending eng resources on a great experience for cancellation. I see some comments here with things like "if it's hard for me to cancel, I'll likely never X again." Well, the stats show you're not going to anyway even if we made it seamless.

While that is true, it seems many companies spend eng resources specifically to create a shitty cancellation experience. It's not just that they could make it better with some effort, it's that they had to work hard to make it that bad.

it's true. it's easy to talk theory and harder to put it in practice. but then again, I wrote the article having in mind a conversation between me and the tech company that has a healthy amount of captured value (i.e. profits, in direct speech) — they can afford to devote resources on the long tail of profitability

but just like the other answer to your comment, it's more about when companies spend time to make it hard. Like those people you may have seen in your life who are living through hell — but it's a certain level of hell that can't be achieved without their effort.

what's your industry, if you feel like sharing? competitive, by chance?

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