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This is fun. Does this potentially mean that there analytics firms out there with tons of "screenshots" contained easily demasked credit card info probably sitting somewhere in an s3 bucket? That's a new attack vector I've never thought about.

Exactly! Glad someone is catching my point, the issue is is that people go to the end of the earth to protect databases of credit card information, I doubt the same can be said for a database of screenshots containing equivalent info.

Another big issue I see is I may trust company X with my data but I as a consumer wouldn’t know I’m actually sharing my data with company Y and I think that is something users should be aware of.

It will just end up like the GDPR in terms of user response. There will be yet another new annoying popup with mandatory darkened background asking you to accept the analytics or leave the site.

Most people will not actually read any of it, and hit OK without giving it much thought. I feel as if we are just waiting for something bad to happen before we take action in restricting this big data analytics trend.

It seems to be a trend, we are passive until the problem smacks us in the face and then we grudgingly work on solving it slowly.

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