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This is not strictly true. Chronic ketamine ABuse can cause urinary tract problems. The doses and frequency used in a clinical session emphatically do not cause this problem. Ketamine has been in regular use since 1970 for a wide range of medical purposes. It's also been on the WHO Essential Medicines List since 1985.

tl;dr - don't need to worry about urinary tract issues unless you're using the drug (1) recreationally; (2) irresponsibly

I only know hearsay, but the issue effects those sniffing 2-3+ grams a day, every day for extending periods. The ketamine causes internal scarring of the bladder / urinary tract (not sure which or if either), that scarring stops the organ (maybe wrong word) from expanding and contracting.

So you feel like you need to piss regularly, but only a few drips come out. The damage can get so severe bladder gets removed.

At the lesser end of the damage is agonising stomach cramps, no idea what the cause of this is.

source: spent too long in the uk freeparty rave scene when ketamine was legal and people assumed it was completely safe due to lack of come down. Too many people ended up with severe ketamine addictions and many have to know piss through a bag

Though there hasn't been much research on it, I suspect that methoxetamine (MXE) might have the same anti-depressant effects as ketamine. Also, it doesn't have the urinary tract issues.

Also, it's much much cheaper on the black market than ketamine. We're talking around 1000 (recreational) doses for $20. Compared to say 10 (recreational) doses of ketamine for maybe $50?

>Also, it's much much cheaper on the black market than ketamine.

What is it like to still be living in 2014? MXE hasn't been manufactured in any significant quantity since China banned it years ago. The stockpiles that remained have been stretched out at high prices and have significantly degraded over the years, people are reporting needing 2-3x the previous dose.

I guess I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. Stopped all that stuff awhile ago. Probably shouldn't be giving advice on the internet about it anymore I suppose..

The last big batch was proven via test to be 30% caffeine by weight. I can't imagine people stopped cutting it.

MXE does. So does 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine, deschloroketamine, and several others. The issue is once you step off the PCM chain you have hider chance of a side effect of mania.

MXE does have the same bladder issues, but is taken as a smaller dose so it takes longer to happen.

2-3+ grams a day is crazy. Ketamine from a legit clinic is around 100mg give or take based on body weight, once per 3-6 weeks. If you increase the dose of any safe drug by that many orders of magnitude, yes, your body will be harmed!

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