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What ends up happening is that without a shared runtime, now each user is responsible for ensuring he has the latest security fixes in every single of his apps' bundled runtimes, which is much harder to ensure than with a shared runtime.

The users have to track the releases of electron themselves and keep on top of security bugs.

While it may be easier for devs to bundle, it's a major loss and a huge risk to users. Probably much more with non-major apps, where the developer may not care all that much to update bundled runtimes, when he's not adding features to the app itself.

Did you check none of the apps you use are vulnerable to this?[1] Now until every single developer and every single electron app in existence updates their runtimes, they'll be potentially vulnerable to this major privilege escalation bug.

[1] https://electronjs.org/blog/window-open-fix

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