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My way of how I learned React:

1. Read the book [1] and type every code of his by hand and create a snippet folder. Stop reading this book around two thirds in when he gets too deep on caching and does not much with React.

2. Read the Facebook Hello World tutorial, type everything by hand again and understand it. Add it to your snippet folder.

3. Try to make your own to do list++ app. You can use Google and Stackoverflow but try to remember things first and don't jump back to the Facebook tutorial and the Road to React book. The app I created was a React app in which you could submit your bookmarks and give it a star rating up to 5 stars, it's a feature that I'd really like in Chrome. Add it to your snippet folder

4. Get started with a real project.

In this approach, I think this website would be a good addition or replacement for step 2.

Expectations and goals for each step:

1. Gives you context and insight (you care about context).

2. Gives you insight while having the context.

3. Transfers this knowledge 'to your fingers' a bit, you just feel the idioms in your fingers a bit more when you're done. I.e. practical experience

4. Deepens the practical experience enough for one to say "I am able to program with React."

[1] https://roadtoreact.com/

[2] https://reactjs.org/docs/hello-world.html

The way I usually do is to work backwords.

Start with a project "real" or easy, learn each step as I need it.

A lot of this is copying and pasting code and then modifying it, and then go back and learn what the "basics" are.

More like 3..1...4...2

So in order to do 3, I will have to look at some of the hello world examples (I know nothing at this point). When I am through I may modify it to make it more ambitious, and then might need another resources. (usually stack overflow).


I wonder if your step 2 at the end and my step 2 are the same. Would you really read the Facebook tutorial after having done a real project? Doing it that way seems like an after thought.

I get 3, 1, 4 though. You first dive in practically, then learn the theory and then immediately start on a real project.

I am trying your approach with regards to 2D and 3D plotting on a canvas element.

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