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I don't think requiring whitespace around operators is such a bad thing. My personal coding style generally looks like `int foo = 10 + (something - 20);` anyways, and I think that style is a lot more readable than `int foo=10+(something-20);`. If you require whitespace around almost all operators, you open up the possibility of naming identifiers basically anything, which lets you have conventions like naming predicates or boolean members with a question mark at the end. In my opinion, `myObject.whatever?` looks a lot better than `myObject.isWhatever`.

Exactly which operators should require whitespace and which don't is up for debate, but in my personal opinion, requiring space around infix operators and letting prefix/postfix operators not require a space would be appropriate. Nobody wants to have to write `myArray [i]`, but I think most people would be willing to give up `i-1` and instead write `i - 1`.

I like to be able to remove spaces in complex expressions, for readability issues. For instance, this :

    t[x] = t[x-1] + t[x-2]
looks more readable to me than this :

    t[x] = t[x - 1] + t[x - 2]
Another example :

    y = a*x1 + b*x2 + c

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