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I'm familiar with RTB (real-time bidding protocol) details, so I can assess this from the technical POV.

Most ironical thing here -- IAB categories applied not to user profiles but to URL's.

So, their goal is to facilitate ads targeting not to user profile, but to page content. This is the use case which is often discussed on HN as ethical and "right" way of showing ads -- you get the bid request with "Nature, travel" IAB categories and you show ad about outdoor gear. You don't need to crunch user data to make this simple decision.

However, I have to admit this complaint has it's own merit. Bid request usually contains not just page URL and IAB categories, but user cookie as well. So, by data-mining bidstream, you can theoretically find people (well, at least their unique cookies) who are looking for a cure for impotence, and this is against GDPR, for sure.

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