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From your cite: "As a consequence, income inequality and investment are inversely related."

And yet, investment in America has never been higher. Prosperity is up, unemployment is at very low levels, employment of minorities is at record levels.

As for the Electoral College system, that's been around since the US was founded. We've always had a republic. It's irrelevant, anyway, since rich people don't have any more votes than poor people. There was little to no evidence of voter fraud in the last election.

> It's irrelevant, anyway, since rich people don't have any more votes than poor people.

no, but they do have more money, which, thanks to citizens united equals more speech (money equals free speech)

so, iow, they don’t need to vote, just use thier resources to conveniently/trick/extol others to vote the way they want... nice little workaround they found...

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