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If you really wanted to follow UNIX philosophy, why not build atop xinetd?

for example... simply accept stdin and stdout as I/O streams by default, but don't provide a network mechanism.

You can put websocketd behind xinetd. xinetd doesn't talk websocket, so you still need to "provide a network mechanism" to bridge the incoming connection and the client's streams.

> xinetd doesn't talk websocket

Why not extend xinetd so that it can interact with websockets?

Because the point of xinetd is to spawn other daemons on socket activations. xinetd handling stuff itself is the exception not the rule (5 service are internally provided, none of which you want to run: RFC 862 "echo", RFC 863 "Discard", RFC 864 "CHARGEN", RFC 867 "daytime" and RFC 868 "time").

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