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The consequences of a poorly designed algorithm are far less visible than those of a poorly designed airplane. Oftentimes they are deliberately kept secret. How many banks do you know that publish their loan qualification source code?

Mechanical engineers are taught from the beginning of their careers to think carefully about the consequences of their decisions.

Computer engineers, not so much. We're taught how to optimize, and make machines that optimize, and make optimizers that optimize our optimizing machines, but it's pretty rare to encounter a data ethics course, and they're almost never program requirements.

Facebook got in trouble for algorithmic redlining in 2013, serving loan sharky ads to black people (which its algorithms learned via proxy features, like zip code). Does Facebook hire third-rate engineers who would point the engine on a plane the wrong way? No! Facebook has some of the best people in the industry! But even the best people in the industry were and in many cases still are not fully considering the consequences of our designs, because we weren't trained to.

"they're almost never program requirements"

Wrong. We had two courses at my school. From the ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs: "(e)Include topics related to professional and ethical responsibilities".

The issue here is proxy features, and that it isnt as obvious if your statistical model is doing something wrong. You identified zip code and race. What about number of cats? Would you have a particular gender and marital status in mind if a given data sample had a large value in the numberOfCats column?

So you ban making decisions based on number of cats. But amountOfKittyLitterPurchased, numberOfCatPicturesViewed, numberOfDislikesOnDogPictures, etc could be used as a proxy for numberOfCats. Try to come up with an exhaustive list of all features which could be used as a proxy for some protected class. Starting with politically incorrect jokes will get you part way there, assuming you possess an exhaustive list of all politically incorrect jokes. But you will need to be pretty creative to come up with more.


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