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In retrospect, prescient and especially useful when they will release their own Linux distribution.

I'd bet on them forking or outright buying Ubuntu.

> outright buying Ubuntu.

Calm down there Satan.

I've always preferred mslinux http://www.mslinux.org/

> Microsoft Invades Cuba

> Microsoft's plan to invade cuba and overthrow the government has succeeded. One Microsoft official said "It's a win-win situation. The US Government is happy and shuts up the DOJ while Microsoft institutes a monopoly within Cuba for everything from computer software to toilet paper. One more step closer to world domination. Heck, we could feed a whole development department for the cost of one developer's salary in the US. They may not know how to create an Operating System very well, but neither do our US developers."

Oh my. I wasn't sure what I was looking at and then I read that to the right of the link.

Sounds like Amazon

who owns Ubuntu?


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