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For a complicated game that lacks a dominant strategy like Starcraft does, the two are the same. You must be able to infer the state of the game given your limited factbase of what’s going on. You must be able to choose the strategy that is most likely to Result in victory.

Using this strategy is objectively bad in that it can be repelled by an opponent almost regardless of their initial strategy.

If deepmind’s goal is to beat the standard Ai, then sure I guess it understands that. But that’s a very different problem from understanding Starcraft, and a much less difficult one at that.

They are still learning. So at some point their AI should explore worker rushes, but also explore how to defend against them.

And once the defense gets good enough, the attack portion of the AI should probably do the worker rushes much less often.

Of course, given that the AI has different constraints in micro-management and attention, and that the game is balanced given human skills, some things that would be totally bonkers to do as a human might work for the AI.

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