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One benchmark IBM recently passed is that it's now become a primarily Indian company in terms of overall workforce [1]. What this makes me wonder is how the distribution of roles works out. In other words when they fire older e.g. American workers are they then replacing these with younger American workers, or are the jobs just all gradually drifting to developing markets where they generally would be able to hire a dozen workers for the cost a single fresh graduate from America.

Seriously on that last statement. Here [2] are the glass doors for IBM India. An "Applications Developer" at IBM India averages 404,000 rupees per year. That's $5,672 per year. "Software Engineers" hit $8,432 a year.

[1] - https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/28/technology/ibm-india.html

[2] - https://www.glassdoor.com/Salary/IBM-India-Salaries-EI_IE354...

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