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Makes sense to me. I was much more relaxed around women in Houston, and I remember my interactions more positively. You could just relax and be charmed, if that's what the situation warranted. Here in the Bay Area, you have to maintain something of a "game face" until you figure out it's safe to open up.

I wonder why.

(no, I don't wonder why because I know why's that. Spoiler: Not women's fault.)

And yeah, citation needed because anecdotal data is not data.

(no, I don't wonder why because I know why's that. Spoiler: Not women's fault.)

You discount another's account, and with no additional information, you can miraculously assume what the underlying information is. That's going one better than Sherlock, who actually infers from evidence. In my lifetime, I've found that this kind of conclusion jumping is one of the most reliable indicators of bigotry. However we don't need to jump to any conclusions here. In this case, you just up and state what it is you're doing.

Spoiler: Not women's fault.

It's not a good idea to assume things about people based on their immutable characteristics. (Isn't there a technical term for assuming women are innocent, just because they're women?)

That sort of bigotry was done to me as a child, based on my race. At the time, I thought it was cool. Now, I realize that counter factual muddling which separates someone from the consequences of their merits or faults diminishes their humanity. Don't put people up on pedestals. Deal with them as human beings.

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