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Yes it's gotten worse, but all the video services' interfaces are really terrible in various ways. What really drives me nuts about the current AppleTV app are the autoplay previews of every show you linger on for more than a second so you literally cannot get a moment's peace while flipping through the cruddy guide. And many of the previews are obviously computer-generated and are downright terrible.

I've been using Kodi (formerly xbmc) for years to watch my contraband content and I've got accounts to both Amazon Prime Video and Netflix for a few months already. It's pretty crazy how much better Kodi UI is compared to those services. At first I thought that it was just because I didn't know how to use these applications but no, they're just lacking basic features while at the same time being completely cluttered with what's effectively visual noise.

I'm actually still, uh, using alternative sources for some Netflix shows just because it means that I don't have to deal with their interfaces.

I hope that eventually we get a "Spotify for TV" but we're not there yet. What a mess.

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