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I don’t understand your anger. The conclusion is that it was previously empirically believed to be the case but logically unproven that these polynomial representations of integers were unlikely to be factorable. If I understand this article correctly, it is now logically proven, shutting the door on that particular attack.

But it _doesn't_ shut the door: it leaves the door exactly where it already was. It was the case that to make it harder to crack, you make the number bigger. The proof shows that, yes, even if you try the polynomial trick, you're still bound to that limitation: the longer the polynomial, the less likely you'll find an factorisation.

But that proof doesn't change anything. It's a good proof, and the author abuses it to make a claim that cannot be made. No doors have been shut, the status is still quo. Except the author got some ad revenue for writing a clickbaity article that made it onto hacker news.

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