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> But is it really difficult to just say (or at least, think) "fuck off" and ignore them?

At scale, yes.

OK, I can believe it since clearly that's what's happening for a lot of open source maintainers, but can you elaborate and explain why?

Imagine if everywhere you went in life there was a handful of people talking shit about you and calling you names.


All the time.

Anytime you're around other people, at least two of them will be loudmouth assholes to you. Relentlessly so.

You really can't see how that would get to you eventually?

Nothing in our evolutionary history as social apes prepared us for that.

I appreciate the response, but isn't it overly dramatic? Like, really, everywhere you go? To the movies, to the barber, to get your groceries?

Yes, that would be the real life equivalent of what people like Matz experience on the Internet.

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