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> NAT also makes it difficult to run any kind of server at home (PCP support varies) or use any kind of p2p protocol.

I care about this greatly, but I'm not clear that ISP's do. On the contrary, my ISP's TOS states that I'm technically not allowed to run my own server on my home internet plan.

P2P isn't just file sharing and home servers, for example the popular PS4/Xbox/PC game "Destiny" is all serverless P2P instances. I can't imagine an ISP banning you from playing PS4 games.

I recall reading that you could make P2P connections work behind a NAT by having an external server route the connections initially. Is this not true, or does it only work in some circumstances?

This is the "nat traversal techniques don't work all the time" caveat, especially with TCP.

It often works, a common method is called “UDP hole punching”.

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