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You should also consider learning R. Anything you can do in Pandas can be done, with less difficulty or fuss, in R. Plus, the plotting is much, much better.

If he/she has Tableau, they'll use it instead of R probably for the charting.

Most visualizations that can be done in Tableau is possible in R, especially with ggplot2 and the various plug-ins published.

I steer my team away from using Tableau because it is bloated software. Anyone who is serious about working in data science or data visualization should steer clear of it.

I dunno about that. I've used ggplot2 a bit and also seen what our best data guys do in Tableau. It really depends on what you want to do. With Tableau, you drag in a pretty big dataset and then you have a bazillion ways to change the chart, sort, group... etc. The charts that ggplot2 give off just seem aesthetically unpleasing. I'm not saying R doesn't have its place and isn't fantastic/free/open source, but that doesn't make Tableau terrible.

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