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Why would I suspect anything else with the way it's presented?

Presumably you'd be entirely happy if I made a fork of Chromium or addon that asked for donations on every Brave related site and personality.

I'd try and tell you via whois data (even when it's twitter and YT that doesn't have whois lookup for end users) when the amount passed $20k. I'd go with $100, but as it's a side project I can't yet add a system to manage smaller donations. It's on the todo list.

You can withdraw funds earlier if you ever happen to randomly discover I'm collecting donations for you. Otherwise I'll sit on it to help with development and hosting costs. Thanks.

Brave Co would be happy with this and would not resort to lawyers?

We agree our UI sends the wrong message. We're pushing up a bunch of fixes to make it clearer tomorrow. You can read about them here: https://brave.com/rewards-update/

Thanks for your feedback!

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