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> You're actively excluding power users.

The more I read of this thread, the more I think that's the point. They don't care so much about people with reading devices and are catering to a (they hope) mass-scale audience.

Rejection of the existing market might backfire, though.

> don't care so much about people with reading devices…

That's not true!

We support almost all devices on the planet that are on web, and would definitely like to reach devices that are not on web too.

What hadn't been clear to me up until yesterday was 'who we were': Netflix of books or Spotify of books or Bandcamp of books or Youtube of books, so I just went ahead with 'Bandcamp of books' for the announcement on HN.

I personally don't read books in form of files but that doesn't mean Bubblin wouldn't let authors or readers have it for their books -- unless of course we decide to become Spotify or Youtube of books instead.

Hope it clarifies.

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